Experienced Legal Help for Families Dealing with Emergency C-Sections in Pennsylvania

emergency c-section

An emergency C-section is a life-saving procedure performed when complications arise during labor that pose immediate risks to the mother or baby. While this surgical intervention is often necessary to protect both lives, it must be executed with precision and urgency. However, delays, errors, or negligence during an emergency C-section can have devastating consequences, leading to severe injuries or even death.

At Latona Law, we have over 30 years of experience helping families in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area navigate the complexities of medical negligence related to emergency C-sections. If you believe that your emergency C-section or that of a loved one was mishandled, resulting in a birth injury or serious complications, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact us at (570) 825-9000 for a free consultation with our team of skilled birth injury attorneys.

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When is an Emergency C-Section Necessary?

An emergency C-section may be required when complications arise that jeopardize the health of the mother or baby, including:

  • Fetal distress (such as an abnormal heart rate or lack of oxygen)
  • Prolonged labor or failure to progress
  • Placental abruption or other placental issues
  • Uterine rupture
  • Cord prolapse (umbilical cord slips into the birth canal)
  • Maternal health complications (e.g., severe bleeding, preeclampsia)

In these situations, time is critical. Delays in performing the C-section or failure to recognize the need for immediate intervention can lead to serious harm.

How Medical Negligence Can Impact an Emergency C-Section

Medical professionals are trained to act swiftly when an emergency C-section is necessary. However, negligence or errors during the process can cause lasting damage to both mother and child. Common forms of negligence include:

  • Failure to recognize signs of fetal distress and order a timely C-section
  • Delays in performing the surgery once the need is clear
  • Inadequate monitoring of the baby and mother during labor
  • Surgical errors during the C-section, leading to complications or injuries
  • Failure to perform the C-section in time, resulting in oxygen deprivation or brain injuries for the baby

Such errors can result in catastrophic injuries, including Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (H.I.E.), cerebral palsy, brain damage, or even death. If you suspect that medical negligence played a role in your emergency C-section, it’s important to seek legal advice as soon as possible.

Birth Injuries Related to Emergency C-Sections

Delayed or mishandled emergency C-sections can lead to serious birth injuries, including:

  • Cerebral Palsy: Often caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain during delivery, this lifelong condition affects movement, muscle tone, and motor skills.
  • Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (H.I.E.): Brain damage due to oxygen deprivation, which can result in cognitive impairment, developmental delays, and other severe disabilities.
  • Nerve Injuries: Damage to the baby’s nerves, including Erb’s Palsy, which can lead to paralysis or limited mobility in the affected limbs.
  • Stillbirth or Neonatal Death: In extreme cases, delays or errors in performing an emergency C-section can result in the death of the baby.

Signs of Medical Negligence During an Emergency C-Section

If you experienced any of the following issues during your emergency C-section, medical negligence may have been a factor:

  • The medical team delayed performing the C-section despite clear signs of fetal distress or other complications.
  • You were not properly informed about the risks or necessity of the procedure.
  • Errors occurred during the surgery that led to complications, such as excessive bleeding, infection, or injury to the baby.
  • The baby suffered from oxygen deprivation, resulting in long-term disabilities or brain damage.

Get the Justice Your Family Deserves

At Latona Law, we understand the immense emotional and physical toll a traumatic birth experience can take on your family. Our compassionate team of birth injury attorneys is dedicated to holding negligent medical professionals accountable for their actions and securing the compensation you need to care for your child.

We will thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your emergency C-section, consult with medical experts, and determine if negligence played a role. Our goal is to bring peace of mind to families like yours in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area by providing expert legal support.

Why Choose Latona Law?

With over three decades of experience and a proven track record of success in birth injury and medical negligence cases, Latona Law is a trusted partner for families throughout Pennsylvania. We specialize in handling complex birth injury claims, including those involving emergency C-sections, H.I.E., cerebral palsy, and other complications caused by medical negligence.

Our no-fee guarantee means that you pay nothing unless we recover compensation for you. We are here to guide you every step of the way, from your free initial consultation to a potential settlement or trial.

Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation

If you believe your emergency C-section was mishandled and caused harm to you or your baby, don’t wait. Contact Latona Law today at (570) 825-9000 to schedule a free consultation. Let us help you fight for the justice and compensation your family deserves.