barefoot legs of patient, sitting on hospital bed

Every parent wants their child to be born happy and healthy. Unfortunately, birth defects and birth injuries can make it difficult for your child to live a normal life. Though both can result in life-long complications, understanding the difference between the two can help you understand your options and rights so you can decide if it’s time to contact a Pennsylvania birth injury attorney

What Are Birth Defects?

Birth defects, also known as congenital anomalies, are abnormalities in a fetus’s development that happen before the mother goes into labor. These conditions can range from minor to severe, and can result in permanent complications for the child. Some common birth defects include:

  • Down syndrome
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Spina bifida
  • Cleft palate
  • Hip dysplasia

Some of these conditions can be identified through genetic testing prior to birth. Speak with your doctor to learn more about your risk factors.

What Are Birth Injuries?

Birth injuries are injuries that happen to the mother, the child, or both during labor, birth, or shortly after. The injuries are typically caused by physical trauma and can result in permanent and catastrophic injuries that may make it difficult if not impossible for your child to live a normal life.

new born baby hand hold mom

Some common birth injuries include:

If you or your child were injured during birth as a result of the actions of your medical care team, speak with a Pennsylvania birth injury attorney. If your injuries were catastrophic and permanent, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the hospital and the medical care team responsible.

The Key Differences Explained

Though birth defects and injuries can seem similar and may have overlapping symptoms, they are very different things. Here’s how these two medical concerns can differ:

  • Timing: Birth defects develop before birth, while the baby is still in the womb. Birth injuries happen during or shortly after labor and delivery.
  • Causes: Birth defects are often caused by environmental factors and genetic conditions or disorders. Birth injuries typically result from physical trauma or oxygen deprivation during birth.
  • Preventability: Though proper prenatal care can prevent some birth defects, most are considered not preventable. Birth injuries are often preventable if the medical care team follows the appropriate standard of care.
  • Legal implications: Birth defects are no one’s fault and typically have no legal implications. Birth injuries, especially those resulting from medical negligence, may qualify for a lawsuit. 

If you’re not sure if you’re dealing with a birth defect or a birth injury, consider how it happened. If the injury happened during labor or delivery and was the result of a lack of quality medical care, speak with a Pennsylvania birth injury attorney.

How a Pennsylvania Birth Injury Attorney Can Help

If you or your child was injured during labor, birth, or shortly after, and the complications you’re experiencing are severe and permanent, working with a Pennsylvania birth injury attorney is one of the best things you can do. When you schedule a consultation, you’ll be able to discuss your situation with the attorney in detail. They’ll help you determine if suing the medical care team responsible and/or the hospital is in your best interest. If it is, you may be able to recover money to compensate you for pain and suffering, medical costs, medically necessary home renovations, and more.

Schedule a Consultation 

Ready to learn more about your options? Schedule a consultation with the team at Latona Law today. Our experienced attorneys will review your situation and help you figure out your best next steps.